Wanted to install XScreenSaver, everything installed fine. Set everything up and waiting for the screensaver to activate. The screen went blank but should of displayed "A fiber-optic Lamp" screensaver. When it didn't I went into the options only to be presented with "The XScreenSaver deamon doesn't seem to be running on display "0" Launch now". I click "Launch" and it opens the same UI, I just ok to dismiss the UI and after a few min low and behold A fiber-optic Lamp is running. If I reboot the system and leave it idle, screen turns blank like it forget my settings. Same error when going into XScreenSaver. Tried different video ports, same outcome. What is wrong and how do I fix it so it remembers the screen and doesn't error out to a blank screen?
Statistics: Posted by guruabyss — Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:31 pm