As stated in the title, I'm trying to get my RPi4 to boot from USB with a Nvme M.2 SSD connected.
I started by flashing the sd card with latest 64bit bookworm. .
One video instruction I watched said "it's best to run apt updated and apt full upgrades to make sure the pi software is up to date ?
Does this require an internet connection or are these updates and full upgrades hidden in the latest bookworm os ?
Some of the up grade and up date commands did work or were suspect.
Then I copied the SD card to the SSD
Another problem: I"m having problems getting the Pi to connect by data cable to the internet also.
Anyone have a fool proof step by step process to make this work ?
Is it possible ?
will be back in a few days.
I started by flashing the sd card with latest 64bit bookworm. .
One video instruction I watched said "it's best to run apt updated and apt full upgrades to make sure the pi software is up to date ?
Does this require an internet connection or are these updates and full upgrades hidden in the latest bookworm os ?
Some of the up grade and up date commands did work or were suspect.
Then I copied the SD card to the SSD
Another problem: I"m having problems getting the Pi to connect by data cable to the internet also.
Anyone have a fool proof step by step process to make this work ?
Is it possible ?
will be back in a few days.
Statistics: Posted by Chester Mayfield — Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:47 am