I'm running Bookworm. And thank you for the insight, everything I'd read said you just connect up the DSI cable, fire it up, and "it just works" (royalties paid to Todd Howard).
I found these arguments in my config.txt:
# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver
I've added the line "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch, sizex=800, sizey=480" to the config.txt file and rebooted.
Now I get the message "rpi_touchscreen_attiny 10-0045: Failed to read REG_ID reg: -5
This caused it to get stuck in a boot loop. Fortunately, I'm booting off nvme and was able to put back my original SD card image and boot to that, find the offending line, and remove it. A very instructive fail.
Did this occur because of two dtoverlay lines being present? Or is it just a failure to detect the device?
I found these arguments in my config.txt:
# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver
I've added the line "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch, sizex=800, sizey=480" to the config.txt file and rebooted.
Now I get the message "rpi_touchscreen_attiny 10-0045: Failed to read REG_ID reg: -5
This caused it to get stuck in a boot loop. Fortunately, I'm booting off nvme and was able to put back my original SD card image and boot to that, find the offending line, and remove it. A very instructive fail.
Did this occur because of two dtoverlay lines being present? Or is it just a failure to detect the device?
Statistics: Posted by Phydeux — Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:59 pm