Indeed. Now we need some reports on 5A USB cables to complete the picture.No doubt that are a few out there that can power a Pi 4 or 5. The problem is that most people come here asking for help and if they find one they never come back to tell people about it.
So it's hard to know what's out there that works.
I used a Techsmarter 65W powerbank to run a Pi400 and a 15.6" portable monitor while doing an internet download and install of RPiOS. That process only ran the battery down by about 15%. I didn't do an exhaustive test and I haven't tried it with a Pi5 yet.
So short reply... Yes. There are powerbanks that can easily power a Pi4 class system.Now we know of 2.
FWIW, I've (now) two of these: ... d)B41.html
which I've use with a few different Pi types, (including P4's and my P5) albeit for "test purposes" and for an hour or two only.
Some loading/cable voltage drop testing w.r.t. to P5 use can be seen here: ... plies.html
(Aside...this is far from the first time I have cited the Thechsmarter 65W unit, so at least some information has been out there. On the flip side...I hadn't been asking anyone if they'd found a suitable powerbank, so your point does stand.)
Statistics: Posted by W. H. Heydt — Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:54 pm