I would like to know what Power supply you use for the Raspberry Pi. Is it the official one that the power is 27W?I could not get rid of the blue color. Still cant. Dont know why it is blue but it was like this from the start. Would Opencv work with the shutter camera? I would guess not since the module 3 camera does not work. Is there a camera out there that you can just plug in and actually use? Not green/pink, not blue and can be used third party software on (Opencv or other that is needed to create a ros2 camera node)?Strange. You should just be able to plug in any of the Pi cameras to a Pi and use the standard commands to run them, and they will just work.Cant say my journey into the land of raspberry pi has been the best thus far. I am hoping that it will get better at some point. Some background information:
1. Bought a shutter camera where everything is blue. Took me days just to get the camera to work, but thanks to people here the camera at least works in the sense that it can take pictures and stream.
2. Bought the module 3 camera. Plug and play? Not really. Turns out that I can`t use opencv with it. Stream dies 30 sec in. EVERY TIME. Turns out that other people are having this problem too, so I decided to get a usb cam while people are solving this issue.
3. Got my arducam (usb) today. Plug and play they claim. Tried a picture. Pink. Tried to open a stream. Green/pink. I actually thought there was something wrong with my pi5, so I bought a second one. Same problem there.
I really dont get it. I want a camera that works with my raspberry pi5. Could anyone either a) help me solve the issue with either of the abovementioned cameras or b) guide me to a camera that I can use together with opencv (and that actually works on a pi5)?
1. Odd, should "just work". What did you have to do to make it work?
2. Third party software, likely a fault in OpenCV not the Pi camera system.
3. Third party camera, we cannot be responsible for failures in third party hardware.
Statistics: Posted by DaPiLad — Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:53 am