Pi Zero hasn't got a network interface and doesn't have the memory to run a browser very well.
Pi Zero 2W has got wireless so your "alternate system" needs a wireless access point.
If the webpage is http and not https and not too heavy (eg extensive ajax) the Zero 2W might do the job though I would look at using the epiphany browser rather than chromium or firefox. The problem is the lack of memory, 512MB is not a lot for a browser these days. https might be usable but it may slow things down.
If you want to play safe then it needs to be a Pi4B but why not get a single Zero 2W and try it out? You can always flog it on ebay afterwards if you don't want it.
Pi Zero 2W has got wireless so your "alternate system" needs a wireless access point.
If the webpage is http and not https and not too heavy (eg extensive ajax) the Zero 2W might do the job though I would look at using the epiphany browser rather than chromium or firefox. The problem is the lack of memory, 512MB is not a lot for a browser these days. https might be usable but it may slow things down.
If you want to play safe then it needs to be a Pi4B but why not get a single Zero 2W and try it out? You can always flog it on ebay afterwards if you don't want it.
Statistics: Posted by pidd — Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:25 am