So why it is installed from the update then - makes many people trouble.connman is not installed on the official release.
Simply removing connman will fix the WIFI issue.
I haven't come across connman on any Raspberry Pi OS, it is standard on some debian desktop installs (eg debian-lxde).
Isn't raspian developed by volunteers - so some are motivated to make it work - or is that forbidden ?Note that in place upgrades of major releases are not supported, so there is really no point in posting your issues here.
As I understand it, Raspian is/was developed by two people, perhaps only one now. RPiOS Bullseye 32-bit is based on Raspbian, it was developed by Raspberry. All 64-bit RPiOS are Debian and partly developed by Raspberry. There is no further development on Raspbian as far as RPiOS goes.
Statistics: Posted by pidd — Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:59 pm