Using resources like this thread and this source code, I tried to build a test program to blink the Pico's onboard LED at arbitrary intervals, down from the big (1 second) to the really small (1 microsecond, maybe less).
Unfortunately, I must report that system ticks seem to be occurring at a different time resolution than any source reports.
I assume that the system clock is 125 MHz, since I have never altered it. Initially I built my program to change the LED state after counting 125 million system ticks, expecting to see one state transition per second (1 blink per 2 seconds). The LED seemed always-on, in reality the program was running a huge number of times faster than I expected.
Then I changed variables to 64-bit integers and told it to wait 125 billion (125 e9) ticks. I can finally see the LED flicker. I suppose nobody has accidentally sold me a Raspberry Pi HyperPico from year 2050, so the confusion must be somewhere in software.
Can anyone figure out why it seems to tick too fast?
The program:
The log (at 125 billion ticks waiting period) - it honestly seems to think it's counting to 125 billion:
Using resources like this thread and this source code, I tried to build a test program to blink the Pico's onboard LED at arbitrary intervals, down from the big (1 second) to the really small (1 microsecond, maybe less).
Unfortunately, I must report that system ticks seem to be occurring at a different time resolution than any source reports.
I assume that the system clock is 125 MHz, since I have never altered it. Initially I built my program to change the LED state after counting 125 million system ticks, expecting to see one state transition per second (1 blink per 2 seconds). The LED seemed always-on, in reality the program was running a huge number of times faster than I expected.
Then I changed variables to 64-bit integers and told it to wait 125 billion (125 e9) ticks. I can finally see the LED flicker. I suppose nobody has accidentally sold me a Raspberry Pi HyperPico from year 2050, so the confusion must be somewhere in software.

The program:
#include <stdio.h>#include "pico/stdlib.h"// #include "pico/binary_info.h"// #include "hardware/spi.h"// #include "hardware/dma.h"#include "hardware/structs/systick.h"#define GET_SYSTICK systick_hw->cvr#define GET_SYSTICKMAX systick_hw->rvr// Maximum value of system tick.uint32_t max;// A function borrowed from another coder, specifically from:// https://github.com/WestfW/RPi-Pico-Hacks/blob/main/systick_delay/systick_delay.c//// I use it to check if I'm the only person whose code works wrong.// But this also seems to work wrong (runs too fast).void sysTickDelay (uint32_t count) __attribute__((noinline));void sysTickDelay (uint32_t count) { int32_t start, end, now; start = GET_SYSTICK; end = start - count; if (end > 0) { while (1) { now = GET_SYSTICK; if ((now <= end) || (now > start)) return; } } else { end += max; // wrap the end time while (1) { now = GET_SYSTICK; if ((now <= end) && (now > start)) return; } }}int main() { // Enable USB output for logging. stdio_usb_init(); // Ready the LED. const uint LED_PIN = PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN; gpio_init(LED_PIN); gpio_set_dir(LED_PIN, GPIO_OUT); // Configure to get unaltered system ticks. systick_hw->csr = 0x5; systick_hw->rvr = 0x00FFFFFF; // Current system tick. // Last time we got a system tick. int32_t cur_tick = 0; int32_t last_tick = 0; // Difference in ticks between current and last. // Cumulative tick counter (goes beyond 24 bit limit). volatile int32_t diff = 0; volatile int64_t cumul = 0; // Current LED state. volatile int8_t led_state = 0; // How many ticks do we count before flipping LED state. volatile int64_t ticks_to_wait = (int64_t) (125e9); // volatile int64_t ticks_to_wait = (int64_t) (125e6); // I try to achieve 1 state transion per second (1 blink per 2 seconds). // At 125 M ticks per second the waiting period should be 125 M ticks. // However when I use that, the LED blinks faster than my vision limit, or doesn't blink at all. // I can see it blinking when I set the waiting period to 125 B ticks. // That seems to contradict sense and available documentation. // What's the trick? // Report maximum permissible value of system tick. int32_t max = GET_SYSTICKMAX; printf("Max: %lu.\n",max); // Show that you're alive and allow the coder to read the console for a second. :) gpio_put(LED_PIN, 1); sleep_ms(1000); gpio_put(LED_PIN, 0); sleep_ms(1000); // Initialize, start looping. last_tick = GET_SYSTICK; while (true) { cur_tick = GET_SYSTICK; // NOTE: SYSTICK COUNTS DOWN! // Invert it here to keep code more understandable. cur_tick = max - cur_tick; // If time seems to have run forward, compute time as usual. // If time has jumped back, compute time until max + the usual. if (cur_tick >= last_tick) { diff = cur_tick - last_tick; } else { diff = (max - last_tick) + cur_tick; } // Accumulate differences cumul += diff; // If enough difference has accumulated if (cumul > ticks_to_wait) { // Alter LED state if (led_state == 0) { led_state = 1; } else { led_state = 0; } // Drive LED to new state gpio_put(LED_PIN, led_state); // Optionally print report. // Does not influence visually perceivable behaviour, // but could influence finely measured stuff. printf("%d %lld\n", led_state, cumul); // Restart counting cumul = 0; } } // Uncomment this and comment the loop above // to test using another programmer's function. /* while (true) { gpio_put(LED_PIN, 1); sysTickDelay(125e6); gpio_put(LED_PIN, 0); sysTickDelay(125e6); } */ }
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Statistics: Posted by diastrikos — Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:38 pm