No, it really doesn't. And its coding is abysmal. But you're missing the point. If you're a poor designer or poor coder you won't know if what it has produced is any good.Fine - stay in the last century. AI is replacing many jobs because it does it better. Coding is one of them.And there it is. You have to know what you are doing to know that something is better. If you know what you are doing then you can recognise anything that is better is better. The way you reached that point is irrelevant, AI, a chance encounter in the pub, an epiphany in the shower. Your interaction with AI could have produced something awful, but it wouldn't understand it and would confidently "tell" you it was a perfect solution. Similarly you might have come up with the same thing with different tools or none at all. What we are currently calling AI is nothing of the sort, and it is the hype I am rejecting.
Statistics: Posted by ame — Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:18 am