Is there a way to access the PiCam V2 pixel data through Java?
Using Java 17, Pi 5, Debian 12 (Bookworm)
The camera shows up great with both `libcamera` and `rpicam` so I know it's connected correctly.
I've been trying with little success with an older webcam capture library (Sarxos Webcam Capture) which is a bit out of date for Pi systems. You can access `libcamera` pixel data through C++ (I think) but I'm struggling with accessing it via Java.
I'm open to any and all ideas. I've heard piping video is an option but I don't know how to do that (open to learning, but I'm having trouble finding beginner resources on it).
I just need a 1D Array of RGB pixel values from a 1280x720 camera feed that I can stuff into Java with decent Framerate.
Using Java 17, Pi 5, Debian 12 (Bookworm)
The camera shows up great with both `libcamera` and `rpicam` so I know it's connected correctly.
I've been trying with little success with an older webcam capture library (Sarxos Webcam Capture) which is a bit out of date for Pi systems. You can access `libcamera` pixel data through C++ (I think) but I'm struggling with accessing it via Java.
I'm open to any and all ideas. I've heard piping video is an option but I don't know how to do that (open to learning, but I'm having trouble finding beginner resources on it).
I just need a 1D Array of RGB pixel values from a 1280x720 camera feed that I can stuff into Java with decent Framerate.
Statistics: Posted by SWSpratlin — Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:41 am