A nas is just another computer with lots of disk space to save a lot of stuff you want to be accessible from other computers. So you have a central location to store data (Network Area Storage) instead of a bunch of computers with their own disk space that then you have to share each to the other computers.Thank you for your input.I don't know what you're downloading or will be seeding, so legalities aside...
Keep the files on the NAS, mount the location on the Pi, to all the torrent work on the Pi.
I am very new to the use of a NAS.
Would you explain your suggestion above please?
Since you have a nas, it is assumed that's where most of your media storage is going to live, so you would not add lots of space to the pi. You just mount a share in the nas as local directory in the pi. To anyone using the pi, it would behave just like the files live In the pi. Same for any other computers.
The problem with this is that you won't be saving anything. As already pointed out, this now requires 2 computers to be on at the same time for this to work. You'll in fact spend more money on energy costs.
I don't know what kind of nas you have, if it is anything like a Synology, you'll just run something like transmission or qbittorrent in the nas and it all happens just there is not second computer needed for this, other than maybe to use the media in another computer.
So again, from an energy savings strategy, this does not save you anything, except for either doing it all in the pi, or all in the nas.
Statistics: Posted by memjr — Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:08 am