Wow thanks, very helpful.If helpful, I wrote an 8910 emulator once, including code to output over RP2040 PWM.
The emulator itself: ... mware/ay.c
Code to configure and update RP2040 PWM: ... re/audio.c
I've managed to tune my sound and get the correct notes out. I'm replacing an SN7689 emulation and just now I used my vgm player to play back the title music for Thexder (the Moonlight sonata) using Lua and on the fly it has to convert SN76489 to the 8910 sadly I don't have the noise channel so everything has to be tones only but it worked. the attenuation is a bit strong but it works.
I have to expand the vgm player to work with the 8910 hopefully I can find something suitable to test on it.
Statistics: Posted by DarkElvenAngel — Mon Oct 07, 2024 1:31 am