Ok. I've created an image file of my PINN RECOVERY and SETTINGS partitions for testing:I have temporarily removed 3.9.3 for installation, and reverted to 3.9.2 whilst this issue is investigated.
Please, extract and copy the image to an USB pendrive (1GB minimum) using this command (replace /dev/sdx with the pendrive one):
dd if=pinn-test.img of=/dev/sdx bs=4096 conv=sync,noerror
* You can't boot any of the supposed to be installed OS of the pendrive since I deleted it's partitions. Also the partition scheme is f*cked up because I made it small but as close as I can to my real setup.
My system is a "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB Rev 1.4" with bootloader version "lun 21 oct 2024 14:24:54 UTC (1729520694)".
Thanks very much much for your support.
Statistics: Posted by fprietog — Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:43 am