I'm not sure why that wouldn't be working, compiling that project with the extension using your CMakeLists.txt works fine for me. Could you double check the ~/.pico-sdk/cmake/pico-vscode.cmake file does exist (the extension should create it when it installs CMake)? Also, make sure you're reloading the window after switching from Arm to Risc-V.
It looks like the Pico SDK is picking up your system compiler instead of the one specified by the extension in CMakeLists.txt, but I'm not sure what could be causing that. You could try uninstalling your system arm-none-eabi-gcc and seeing if the extension picks the correct compiler without it?
It looks like the Pico SDK is picking up your system compiler instead of the one specified by the extension in CMakeLists.txt, but I'm not sure what could be causing that. You could try uninstalling your system arm-none-eabi-gcc and seeing if the extension picks the correct compiler without it?
Statistics: Posted by will-v-pi — Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:44 pm