Thank you so much for your reply!
My specific use is that I want to keep the bluetooth functionality while also using a GPS Module which requires TX and RX pins to access the information from. I used this video for documentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsNQK1o2tPU , and around 9:29 she states that you need both ttyAMA0 and ttyS0 free and available for use, but also shown by the video, she has bluetooth disabled. I'd like to move the bluetooth pin from UART0 to something else (other than UART1) so that I can still use bluetooth, while also having access to both UART 0 and 1.
Thank you so much for your reply!
My specific use is that I want to keep the bluetooth functionality while also using a GPS Module which requires TX and RX pins to access the information from. I used this video for documentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsNQK1o2tPU , and around 9:29 she states that you need both ttyAMA0 and ttyS0 free and available for use, but also shown by the video, she has bluetooth disabled. I'd like to move the bluetooth pin from UART0 to something else (other than UART1) so that I can still use bluetooth, while also having access to both UART 0 and 1.
Statistics: Posted by pyrusspangj — Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:14 pm