Also, if I try to network stream using something like:the program interrupts as soon as I try to view the stream (with either vlc, mplayer, or a browser), returning the following error:And if I add the flag '--libav-format mpegts' or '--libav-format h264' as suggested in another thread, I get the following error message as soon as I try to view the stream:For me, video has always "just worked" on everything from the PiZero to the pi3 to the pi4 -- but the pi5 seems to block me at very step.
Any thoughts on how to get this working?
libcamera-vid -t 0 --inline --listen -o tcp://
[NULL @ 0x555636913cd0] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'tcp://'ERROR: *** libav: cannot allocate output context ***
[[tcp @ 0x7fff2c014b50] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refusedterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): libav: unable to open output mux for tcp:// Connection refusedAborted
Any thoughts on how to get this working?
Statistics: Posted by puterboy — Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:50 am